
法庭报告技术 offers training that will lead to an 应用科学副学士 degree or a short-term certificate. 学生 are admitted into the Court Reporting Program only in the Fall Semester. 获得副学士学位, a student must earn a grade of “C” or higher in all Court Reporting courses and other courses that are required by NCRA’s Council on Approved Student Education. 除了, the student must pass four five-minute tests with 95 percent accuracy at each of the following speeds: 225 words per minute testimony (two-voice), 200英镑陪审团费和180英镑文学费. The student shall complete at least 50 verified hours of internship, of which a minimum of 40 hours should be actual writing time.

学生 focusing on Broadcast Captioning must write three five-minute literary broadcast material takes at 180 wpm (word count) at 96 percent verbatim accuracy. The student must submit unedited captioned translations of three 15-minute programs on varied topics for course evaluation taken from the internship experience. The student is required to complete at least 25 verified hours of actual writing and 15 hours of research and dictionary preparation during the internship experience.

取得法庭记录员执照, an applicant must pass the Written Knowledge Examination administered by NCRA, and they must pass an Alabama skills examination or provide documentation of having passed the NCRA RPR exam. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.ABCR.阿拉巴马州.政府





A new class is admitted to 法庭报告技术 every Fall Semester. To qualify for admission to the program, applicants must:

  1. 无条件的录取 love爱博. Admission love爱博 does not guarantee admission to the Court Reporting Program.
  2. Be able to read, write, speak and understand the English language.
  3. Be a citizen of the United States or have declared legal intent to become a citizen.
  4. Notify the program director of any felony convictions. An application for a Notary Public bond may be denied in light of the nature of the offense.
  5. 拥有高中毕业证书或普通教育文凭.
  6. ACCUPLACER测试 given in the Gadsden State Testing Center at the One Stop Center. A score of 18 or better on the ACT (or equivalent SAT score) or ACCUPLACER Placement score of 5 or higher is required. 如果分数低于指定的分数, the applicant must complete one or more developmental courses in the area of deficiency prior to starting the Court Reporting Program.
  1. 完成 application procedure for admission love爱博 在这里
  2. 完成 法庭报告申请. 提交法庭报告部.
  3. Submit official high school and college transcripts or official GED scores to the 招生 Office and to the Court Reporting Department. 下载成绩单申请表格 在这里
  4. Submit a resume of work experience, activities and honors to the Court Reporting Department, if any.
  5. 完成 ACCUPLACER placement test in the Gadsden State Testing Center and have the results sent to the Court Reporting Department.
  6. Complete all admission requirements no later than July 1.

A new class of Court Reporting students are admitted to the program in the Fall Semester only.

All applicants who have completed the Court Reporting admission procedure and who have satisfied Gadsden State admission requirements no later than July 1 will be reviewed by the Court Reporting 招生 Committee prior to Fall Semester registration.

Applicants will be ranked for admission on the basis of the date of the receipt of their application, 学术成绩单, 考试成绩及参考资料. 考虑到设备和场地的可用性, 入学人数将会受到限制. 选择将根据申请人的排名.

All applicants will be notified in writing of their admission status prior to Fall Semester registration.

Applicants who have been notified of their selection for admission to the Court Reporting Program must send to the program technician a letter of acceptance by the specified date indicating the intent to enter the program.

Applicants who do not respond as prescribed above will forfeit their place in the class. 如果新班级有空缺, they will be filled by acceptable alternate applicants who have met the admission requirements.

基本功能 are the fundamental job duties and skills associated with a particular position. All students are required to read the 基本功能 identified for 法庭报告技术 and determine if they are capable of performing these functions with or without reasonable accommodation. 学生必须能够:*

  • 能充分使用双手吗
  • 能够长时间坐着
  • 良好的听觉能力
  • 长时间集中注意力的能力
  • 词汇知识
  • 英语/语法能力
  • Good hand-eye coordination and manual dexterity to manipulate equipment
  • 中级计算机知识
  • 良好的观察技巧
  • 能够准确地收集事实和组织数据
  • 能够明智地管理时间
  • 能够处理压力
  • 不吸毒和/或酗酒

* The Americans with Disabilities Act requires colleges and universities to inform students of all performance expectations related to their job and school performance. 根据学院的政策, 当请求, reasonable accommodations may be provided for individuals with disabilities. Requests for reasonable accommodations should be directed to the program director.

